It's Thursday, which means it's down hill now to the weekend. And that can only mean one thing Candy Box is almost here. The final line up of acts sound phenomenal, and on one hand I just can't wait, but on the other I'm thinking I haven't made any sleeves yet, that is to say something to go under the corset to make it a little more modest, so that will need thinking about rather quickly.
But before we get ahead of ourselves, here is the final bit of waffle about the corset itself. At the end of Monday's post I had finished the eyelets, after that I took to the garage with hacksaw in hand, and I can tell you it was cold. I am just getting over a bit of a cold too, so it felt doubly worse, but enough moaning, it wasn't all that bad.
The flat steel bones needed cutting to size, the edges sanding down smooth and then dipping in the bone tipping solution. Then leave them overnight to dry, and make sure they are really dry before inserting in your corset.

If this was to be worn more often I wouldn't do it this way and if the need arises I can always do it properly later on. After oversewing I neaten up the end of the bias tape that is running down the centre of the back

Lace up the eyelets and try it on. And I have to say I am fairly pleased with the way it has turned out. Although apologies for the photos I was trying to get the time on the phone camera to work, really need a tripod if I'm going to get anywhere with this stuff.
After this, I then wore it round the house for a good hour I was enjoying it so much. Well best get on with those sleeves. I will post up more pictures of the completed outfit next week, and maybe some of the Candy Box too.
take care all
hugs and kisses
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